Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Term-End Examination JUNE, 2007 (CS-06)

Term-End Examination JUNE, 2007


Time : 3 hours...............Maximum Marks : 75

Note : question number 1 is compulsory. Answer any three questions from the rest.

1.(a) A Bank maintains information about customers and their accounts. Each customer has a name, address (ouse number, area, city and state code) and telephone number. Account has number, type and balance. We need to record customers who own an account. Account can be operated individually or jointly.
Design and draw an ER diagram, clearly indicating the attributes, keys, the cardinality ratio and participation constraints. [ 7 ]

(b). What is meant by data abstraction? Explain the differences between physical level, conceptual level and view level of data abstraction. [ 6 ]

(c). Explain at least five important characteristics of OORDBMS. [ 5 ]

(d). For the relation R and S given below, compute natural join and outer join, [ 6 ]

A.... B.... C
1.... 2.... 3
4.... 5.... 6
7.... 8.... 9


B.... C.... D
2.... 3.... 10
2.... 3.... 11
6.... 7.... 12

(e). Given the following relations: [ 6 ]
Vehicle (reg_no, colour, type)
Person (eno, name, address)
Owner (eno,reg_no)
Write expressions in the relational algebra to answer the following queries:
(i). List the reg_no of vehicles owned by “Sandeep”.
(ii). List the names of persons who own “Indica” cars.
(iii). List details of the black coloured vehicles.

2.(a) Describe DROP TABLE command of SQL with both the options CASCADE and RESTRICT. [ 5 ]

(b). Explain the recovery process after system failure, using checkpoint. [ 5 ]

(c). How is the knowledge representation done through semantic network? Give an example of semantic network.[ 5 ]

3.(a) How does data fragmentation support the distributed a\databses? Explain horizontal and vertical Project (Project_name, Emp_no, Emp_name, Job_class, Emp_location, Salary) [ 6 ]
Note: Assume the suitable data.

(b). What is NULL? Give an example to illustrate testing for NULL in SQL. [ 4 ]

(c). Define and differentiate between ordered indexing and hashing. [ 5 ]

4.(a) Construct a B+ tree for the following set of key values where the number of key values that fit in a node is 3. [ 8 ]
Key Values : (12,2,15,4,123,45,6,7,9,1,3)
Show the steps involved in the deletion of key values 7 and then 6.

(b). Why is BCNF a more desirable normal form than any of the lower order normal forms? Give an example of a relational schema that is in 3NF but not in BCNF. [ 7 ]

5.(a) Define the following with respect to SQL. Also give an example of each. [ 6 ]
(i). UNIQUE function
(ii). ORDER-BY clause
(iii). LIKE predicate

(b). Explain different methods of implementing the following data models: [ 6 ]
(i). Hierarchical Data Model
(ii). Network Data Model
(c). What is the difference between a data base schema and a database state? [ 3 ]

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